
Sed nec diam eu diam mattis viverra. Nulla fringilla, orci ac euismod semper, magna diam porttitor mauris, quis sollicitudin sapien justo in libero. Vestibulum mollis mauris enim. Morbi euismod magna ac lorem rutrum elementum:

  • Step 1: Reservations

    We recommend making reservations at least two weeks in advance of your requested ship date.

    When making reservations, the following information is needed:

    • Shipper (Person sending shipment)
    • Consignee (Person receiving Shipment)*
    • Phone Number
    • From (Port of Origin)
    • To (Port of Destination)
    • Year, Make and Model of vehicle
    • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
    • License Plate number
    • Expected Date of Shipment
    • Name of an alternate consignee (recommended)
    • Is the shipper the legal or registered owner?
    • Do you have Insurance on the vehicle?
    • Do you have the registration or title for the vehicle?
    • Does your vehicle have a five-inch ground clearance?

    * Only the person named as the consignee will be allowed to pick up the vehicle. We recommend naming more than one consignee to avoid the re-consignment process in the event the person picking up the vehicle cannot.

    There are two options to make a reservation, fill out and e-mail a vehicle booking sheet to the appropriate port from which your vehicle is being shipped from or you can call and speak to a representative.

    Booking sheets received via email will be returned with a booking number and cutoff date and time within 24 hours.

    Upon making a reservation, you will be provided with a booking number and date and time to deliver your vehicle to Young Brothers. Please keep your booking number handy, you will need it to complete your Bill of Lading.

    (808) 543-9311

    (808) 935-8903

    (808) 877-6511

    (808) 553-5431

    (808) 245-4051

    (808) 565-6686

    (808) 882-7244

    (800) 572-2743 or

    (800) 57-BARGE









    Toll Free Number

  • Step 2: Prepare Vehicle

    Preparing Your Vehicle for Shipment

    • Normal Operating Condition - Your vehicle must be in normal operating condition. All vehicles will be inspected upon delivery to Young Brothers. Vehicles found not in normal operating condition will be rejected as a vehicle. Alternate methods of shipment may be offered.
    • Gasoline in Tank - Please deliver your vehicle to Young Brothers with 1/4 tank or less fuel
    • Disconnect Alarm Systems - Alarm systems in your vehicle must be disconnected prior to shipping.
    • 5" Ground Clearance - All vehicles must have at least five inches of ground clearance to be considered a vehicle. Vehicles with less than five inches ground clearance may be subject to different rates.
    • Personal Effects - Young Brothers highly recommends removing all personal effects from the vehicle prior to shipping. If you choose to leave personal effects in your vehicle, they will be shipped at the owner's risk. Any personal effects should be packaged and properly secured. Nothing is allowed in the front seat or directly behind the driver's seat. You may load personal effects in the trunk or the back seat, but no higher than the bottom of the windows. If you have a truck, nothing may extend beyond the bed of the truck. If you ship personal effects in your vehicle, you will be REQUIRED to sign a waiver at the time of check in.
    • No Hazmat/Fire Extinguishers/Firearms - No hazardous materials, fire extinguishers, firearms, or ammunition of any type may be stored in the vehicle.
    • Free of any insect infestation, dirt, mud and seeds - An inspection will be made of the entire vehicle both interior and exterior to ensure it is free of any dirt, mud seeds or other unauthorized material. Soil, sand contaminated with visible amounts of soil, and animal manure in any amount will NOT be allowed
    • No plant and propagative plant parts - Your vehicle will not be allowed to transport plant and propagative plant parts (e.g. roots, root stock) unless inspected at the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) Plant Quarantine Office and will ONLY be allowed to travel on the barge accompanied by a signed HDOA certificate of inspection. No other plants will be allowed. Customers shall also comply with any and all current or future rules set by the HDOA. U.S. Department of Agriculture, FDA or other government agency for plant, or crop movement restrictions are applicable.

    For additional information, please call your local reservations department.



  • Step 3: Drop Off

    Tendering Your Vehicle for Shipment

    Prior to going to Young Brothers to deliver your vehicle, the following items should be in order:

    • Reservation must be made in advance.
    • Check-in should occur as advised.
    • Valid identification is required for all adults entering YB facilities.
    • The shipper should have available all the information required on the Bill of Lading, including the reservation number.
    • Required vehicle documentation must accompany the vehicle at check-in time.
    • Be prepared to spend some time processing paperwork and having your vehicle inspected.
    • Please have a duplicate of your ignition key (and door key if separate) to leave with Young Brothers. (It is recommended that you keep your original set of keys.)
    • Please note that your vehicle will be shipped on an open-air barge and there may be residual salt-water deposits.

    Upon arriving at the Young Brothers' pier, a Security Officer will request valid identification for all adults entering the premises. A valid driver's license will need to be presented by the driver of the vehicle. The Security Officer will then direct you to the proper location to drop off your vehicle.

    As part of the check-in process, the Freight Clerk will complete an inspection report of your vehicle in your presence. Please keep a copy of the Vehicle Inspection Report for re-inspection at the Port of Destination. A copy of the Bill of Lading will also be provided to you as a receipt, the Bill of Lading number may be used for future reference to your vehicle. If you would like to pay for the shipment at this time, the Freight Clerk will direct you to the Customer Service Office. Young Brothers accepts cash, check or credit card for payment.

    Upon exiting the pier facilities, your copy of the Bill of Lading should be shown to the Security Officer.



  • Step 4: Paperwork

    Preparing Your Paperwork - How To Fill Out A
    Bill of Lading

    When delivering your cargo to Young Brothers for shipment, a Young Brothers' Bill of Lading must accompany the shipment. The Bill of Lading is a contract between the carrier (YB) and shipper (customer) and should be properly completed.

    It is very important that each customer provide YB with the following information:

    • Name, address and telephone number of both the shipper and the consignee.*
    • To (Port of Origin) and From (Port of Destination)
    • Payment - Indicate how freight charges are to be paid:
    • Prepaid - pay at time of delivery to the port of origin
    • Collect - Pay at time of pick up at port of destination
    • Charge - Charge either shipper account or consignee account (need account number)
    • Vehicle - Make, Year, Model, Vehicle Identification Number, License Number, Weight (for rating purposes) and Color should be in the Detail Description of Packages
    • Shipper's Signature

    * Value - Your vehicle is automatically insured up to $5,000 per vehicle. If you want to insure your vehicle for a higher amount, declare the actual value on the Bill of Lading at time of check-in and additional insurance will be charged.

    * Please name an alternate person for pick-up. This will avoid a reconsignment process.

    For instructions on completing a Young Brothers Bill of Lading, click here.

    In addition to your Bill of Lading, please make sure to have the proper documentation available with you at the time of shipping.



  • Step 5: Pick Up

    Arrival Information - Picking Up Your Vehicle at the Port of Destination

    Vehicles are available the next business day after the barge arrives at the port of destination at 7:30 am. Young Brothers makes a courtesy call to the consignee to confirm your vehicle's arrival and availability. You have two business days to pick up your vehicle before demurrage is charged. Please note that availability is subject to change without notice from the carrier.

    To pick up your vehicle, please go to the Customer Service Office at the port of destination. A valid form of identification must be presented to verify the identity of the consignee. If the shipment is Collect On Delivery (COD), you will be required to pay for your shipment at this time. You do not need to bring the shipper's copy of the Bill of Lading to pick up the cargo. The Customer Representative will provide you with copies of the Bill of Lading to present to the Freight Clerk, the keys for your vehicle and direct you to the pick up location.

    When picking up your vehicle, you should carefully inspect it. Young Brothers makes every effort to safely transport your vehicle. However, because of unforeseen circumstances, if damages occur, please have the Freight Clerk note any damage on the Bill of Lading. Upon exiting Young Brothers' facility, show your blue copy of the Bill of Lading to the Security Officer.

    Vehicles not picked up within two days from the barge arrival in the port of destination will be charged appropriate storage charges as per Tariff 5A.

    Mahalo for shipping with Young Brothers - Serving Hawaii since 1900!

Current Fuel Price Adjustment (FPA)

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