
Sed nec diam eu diam mattis viverra. Nulla fringilla, orci ac euismod semper, magna diam porttitor mauris, quis sollicitudin sapien justo in libero. Vestibulum mollis mauris enim. Morbi euismod magna ac lorem rutrum elementum:

  • Step 1: Reservations

    Reservations are REQUIRED
    for the following types of cargo:

    • Containers
    • Flatracks
    • Platforms
    • Motorcycles
    • Bonded Cargo
    • Cargo requiring Permits, explosives class 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5, hazardous waste cargo
    • Livestock

    Reservations are NOT REQUIRED for the following types of cargo:

    • Pallets
    • Individual pieces
    • Boxes
    • Crates

    There are two options to make a reservation, fill out and e-mail a container booking sheet to the appropriate port from which your container is being shipped from or you can call and speak to a representative. Booking sheets received via e-mail will be returned with a booking number and cutoff date and time within 24 hours. We recommend making reservations at least one week prior to your requested sailing. When making reservations, the following information is required:

    • Shipper (Person sending the shipment)
    • Consignee (Person receiving the shipment)
    • Phone Numbers (at port of origin and destination)
    • From (Port of Origin)
    • To (Port of Destination)
    • Description of Cargo
    • Expected Date of Shipment



    (808) 543-9311

    (808) 935-8903

    (808) 877-6511

    (808) 553-5431

    (808) 245-4051

    (808) 565-6686

    (808) 882-7244

    (800) 572-2743 or (800) 57-BARGE









    Toll Free Number

  • Step 2: Prepare Goods

    Preparing Your Shipment

    Shipments should be properly packaged, boxed or crated to ensure successful delivery of goods at the port of destination. At the time of delivery to Young Brothers, if it is determined that the shipment is unsafe for handling, the shipment may be rejected. Cargo that is too heavy to be manually lifted, must be forkliftable.

    To ensure your shipping experience is a pleasurable one, please consider the following items prior to shipping:

    • Proper Packing
      Consideration should be given to both the interior and exterior packing to ensure the shipment can withstand the normal strain during transportation.
    • Nature of Product
      You should consider the characteristics of the product. The product may require special interior protection (i.e., cushioning for fragile goods), moisture proofing for moisture-sensitive goods or rust proofing for goods that are susceptible to oxidation. Articles that are fragile require both a strong container and adequate cushioning between each piece and the container. Each piece should be wrapped separately.
    • Size, Weight and Marking of Package
      The size and weight of your cargo may determine how you ship your product.
    • Standardization and Unitization of Package
      The unit load system (i.e. pallets or shrink packages) of packed goods can reduce loss or damage.
    • Hazardous Materials/Waste
      When hazardous materials or waste are shipped, all packages must be marked, labeled, placarded, and secured in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 49). It is the customer's responsibility to be familiar with the CFR 49 and have knowledge of the proper markings, labels, and hazardous classification. In addition to the Bill of Lading, a Hazardous Shipping Certification must accompany the shipment.
    • Container Shipments
      Customers should consider the following:Are the individual goods properly packaged? Is the container in good condition? Are the goods adequately stowed in the container? Is the weight evenly distributed? Are the contents properly secured inside the container?
    • Packing of Individual Goods to be Containerized
      Generally, packing and stowage of goods for containers should have adequate protection against some degree of moisture (humidity) and must be prepared as such.
    • Securing Pallet Loads
      Cargo should be palletized PRIOR to delivering a shipment. Young Brothers does not provide pallets. It is recommended to consult the yellow pages under "Pallets and Skids", if you do not own any pallet. When palletizing, the customer must consider the following: a) Cargo should be kept within the confines of the pallets and pallets must be in good condition as to withstand normal forklift handling. b) All pallets loads must be secured by either heavy-duty twine (string is unacceptable and cargo could be rejected for shipment), metal strapping or shrink wrap. c) In the case of heavy-duty twine or metal strapping, the cargo must be secured to the pallet on all four sides. d) In the case of shrink wrap, all four sides and the top must be covered. It is recommended that a pallet load be shrink wrapped a minimum of two times including the top and the shrink wrap be hooked onto each corner of the pallet in order for the cargo to be properly secured.
    • Packing in Reefers
      Refrigerated containers must be pre-chilled before cargo can be loaded into the reefer. Failure to pre-chill reefers can result in spoilage of perishable goods, which will not be covered by cargo insurance. Packing inside the reefer must allow for proper air circulation and uniform cooling within the entire container. Spoilage resulting from blockage of air circulation will also not be covered by cargo insurance. a) Customers and/or their agents are responsible for proper setting of reefer temperature.
    • Labeling
      To help ensure proper delivery at the port of destination, shipments must be clearly marked and displayed in bold plain letters in permanent ink. Markings should be legible and include the name and address of the consignee and destination. It is recommended that the marking should be on an 8 1/2" x 11" paper on at least two sides of the shipment. All old markings should be removed from the shipment to avoid confusion.
  • Step 3: Drop Off

    Departure Information - Tendering Your Cargo

    Prior to arriving at Young Brothers to deliver your cargo, the following items should be done.

    • Cargo should be properly packaged
    • Cargo should be properly marked with Consignee Name, Address and Bill of Lading number.
    • The customer should have available all the information required on the bill of lading.
    • A reservation must be made prior to tendering your cargo if the type of cargo requires it. Delivery should be made as indicated on your reservation. (See Step 1: Reservations, to determine if a reservation is required for your shipment.)
    • Valid identification is required for all adults entering YB facilities.
    • For all other cargo NOT requiring reservations, cargo should be dropped off on the appropriate day according to the delivery schedule for your particular sailing to the port of destination.

    Upon arriving at the Young Brothers' pier, a Security Officer will request valid identification for all adults entering the premises. A valid driver's license will need to be presented by the driver of the vehicle. The Security Officer will then direct you to the proper location to drop off your cargo.

    The Freight Clerk will inspect your cargo to ensure its properly prepared for shipping. The Freight Clerk will notate measurements and exceptions of cargo on the bill of lading. *Cargo requiring forklift assistance will be off-loaded by a Young Brothers' Machine Operator.Cargo that needs to be manually handled must be off-loaded by the Customer. If more than one person is required to handle cargo, please bring with you additional assistance. The shipper is responsible for loading cargo into the container. A copy of the Bill of Lading will be provided to you as a receipt, the Bill of Lading number may be used for future reference to your shipment.

    If you would like to pay for the shipment at this time, the Freight Clerk will direct you to the Customer Service Office. Young Brothers accept cash, check or credit card for payment.

    Upon exiting the pier facilities, the copy of the bill of lading should be shown to the Security Officer.

    * Young Brothers reserves the right to refuse to handle any cargo that it deems unsafe for handling.



  • Step 4: Paperwork

    Preparing Your Paperwork - How To Fill Out A
    Bill of Lading

    When delivering your cargo to Young Brothers for shipment, a Young Brothers' Bill of Lading must accompany the shipment. The Bill of Lading is a contract between the carrier (YB) and shipper (customer) and should be properly completed. For instructions for completing a Young Brothers Bill of Lading, click here. It is very important that each customer provide YB with the following information:

    • Name, address and telephone number of both the shipper and the consignee*.
    • To (Port of Origin) and From (Port of Destination).
    • Payment - Indicate how freight charges are to be paid: Prepaid - Pay at time of delivery to the port of origin; Collect - Pay at time of pick up at port of destination; and Charge - Charge either shipper account or consignee account (need account number).
    • Number of packages/pieces, an accurate description of the goods being shipped, value* (if would like additional insurance), weight and cubic measurements of the shipment.
    • Shipper's Signature

    * Value - Your cargo is automatically insured up to $5,000 per piece, package or ordinary shipping unit. If you want to insure your cargo for a higher amount, declare the actual value on the bill of lading at time of check-in and additional insurance will be charged.

    Bills of Lading are available at the freight clerk station at the time of delivery.

  • Step 5: Pick Up

    Arrival Information - Picking Up Your Goods at the Port of Destination

    Generally cargo is available the next business day after the barge arrives at the port of destination at 7:30 am. Young Brothers makes a courtesy call to the consignee to confirm your cargo's arrival and availability. Please note that availability is subject to change without notice from the carrier.

    Cargo Availability

    To pick up your goods, please go to the Customer Service Office at the Port of Destination. If the shipment is COD "Collect On Delivery", you will be required to pay for your shipment at this time.

    Payment can also be made over the phone, via e-mail, or fax by filling out our Charged Card Payment form.

    As part of the delivery process, please inspect your cargo with the Freight Clerk. Upon signing off on the bill of lading with the Freight Clerk, a Machine Operator (if cargo is forkliftable) will load your cargo into your vehicle.

    Upon exiting Young Brothers facility, show your blue copy of the bill of lading to the Security Officer.

    Goods not picked up within two days from the barge arrival in the port of destination will be charge appropriate storage charges as per Tariff 5A.


    Mahalo for shipping with Young Brothers - Serving Hawaii since 1900!

Current Fuel Price Adjustment (FPA)

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